It’s Okay, You’re Allowed to Breathe
Last Friday, I had the misfortune of being visited by a few old friends — fever and migraine. It was such an unexpected visit that I couldn’t help, but be hard on myself for catching it. I started blaming myself for not drinking enough water or maybe, I don’t have enough vitamins in my body. I started tracing back my steps and figuring out the reason why I got sick in the first place. I couldn’t accept the fact that I was sick and that it happens so I should just get over it.
My head started running as to what the repercussions might be for skipping my classes and calling in a sickie for work — again because I had severe dysmenorrhea last Saturday and I had to attend a house open last Friday as well. It wasn’t like I wanted the fever and migraine, but I felt so responsible for catching it that it occupied most of my brain activity and started affecting my self-esteem.
I thought that this would greatly affect my ability to perform well in class and that I am wasting time by being sick. I managed to conjure up different stories as to why I do not deserve certain help because I shouldn’t even be sick in the first place. I was relentless. It got so damaging to a point that I felt so ashamed about taking a day off to look after my health.
At times like this, it can be very difficult to get back up and just move on. You can be easily side-tracked by what the rest of the world might think of you and what this decision might reflect on your overall image. The thing is, when you’re sick, you shouldn’t be worrying about all of that. You should only be worrying about one thing — yourself.
It was hard having to remind myself that it’s okay — that we’re allowed to breathe sometimes so that we can push harder the next day. It was hard having to tell myself that you need a rest and your migraine won’t go away no matter how much you tell it to go. Your fever is simply your body’s way of communicating that you need to hit pause.
You’re not giving up. You’re just reloading your ammo. Give it time. You only have today.