Error 401: Bravery Not Found

Do you know that feeling when you've decided days before that you're gonna do something, but when it's time to actually do it, you end up second guessing yourself and eventually turning the other way? Nope? Just me? Great.

With all seriousness here, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one feeling this way, and I'm over a hundred percent certain that most of us have been in this situation one way or another. But in hindsight, it's not the fact that I chickened out that disappointed me the most, it's the regret you feel afterwards. It's that constant question you have at the back of your mind asking you 'why not?' and that follow up statement saying 'What Ifs' and 'Maybe You Could'ves'. It's that feeling that you did something wrong, and that your gut is telling you that you made the wrong decision. That somehow, doing it would make everything worthwhile even if it terrified you immensely.

Most of all, it's the limitless possibilities that could've happened and opened up only if you did what you initially intended to do. It's that feeling of missing an opportunity, no matter how small, just because you happen to lose your balls at the most crucial moment of your life.

I say it's crucial because you've actually decided to do something different. You have taken charge and made a choice to step out of your everyday routine and do something out of your comfort zone- no matter how trivial or petty it may seem. And in life, that's all you can ever really do, right? Being brave.

Because by being brave, you teach yourself that the only thing you can be comfortable with is your own thick skin and your sharp wit. Everything else is unpredictable and all you can ever really do is to be brave enough to face the music even if you have to dance alone with your two left feet.

Hopefully next time, I can muster up enough courage to take on the world no matter how much it frightens me. Knowing that if I didn't do it, I would probably regret it right away - while reminding myself that if I did do it, and the golden opportunity turned out to be a gold-plated piece of metal, the important thing is that I tried. I conquered my fears, stuck with my balls, grew another pair and was like "Hell yeah, I did it! What's next?".

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  1. LOVE this post! You are certainly not alone in your feelings. I just read Rising Strong by Brene Brown & think it aligns well with what you're talking about & believe you'd appreciate it--all about vulnerability & courage. I wrote a post on it if you are interested :)

    1. Awww! Thank you so much, WITH MERAKI! I'm not sure what to call you, so I hope you don't mind me referring to your blog name instead. Anyway, will definitely check it out... Actually, I'm checking it out right now. Let's continue this conversation there! Talk to you soon. :D
