The Power of Social Media: Experiencing Malasimbo One-Picture-At-A-Time

Yes, I'm two months late (in posting this entry). But pictures are forever, right?

No, Zia. Just no. I can't believe I'm referring to myself in third person.

The Power of Social Media: Experiencing Malasimbo One-Picture-At-A-Time

Malasimbo is one of the festivals I've been dying to go to since I've first heard of it - meaning this year, because I am a late bloomer in the festival scene. Unfortunately, there was never a time for me to get there. So, my beloved friend Via was kind and graceful enough to let me experience it every step of the way. Thanks to her, you get to see it as well (Up front and up close). Just so we're clear, these are her photos. All credit goes and belongs to her. Let's start with the tracks, the mountain and the nauseating black-and-white boat ride!

You can probably see the camp grounds and the stage by now, but there is just something magical about the journey itself. Don't you think? In a way, we're not just witnessing the ride. We're witnessing the experience from someone else's eyes. Plus, it's like time travel. Cause if you think about it, this is all in the past! (mindblown)

The people you see here are all ghosts from the past and without the pictures to capture it, it can be as if it never happened. From the pictures though, you can definitely see the crowd getting ready for an epic weekend ahead! So, how about we take a look?

From Akasha and the Adrinka Lumads Djembe Commmunity to Cinnamon Crayons and Lee Grane, the line-up was definitely not lacking in the massively talented artists department. Not to mention Tom Thum and DJ Bad Kiss whom I have stumbled upon in the Sandstorm Event last year, were there! And to make this trip to the past complete, here is a video of the Japanese group, GOCOO, taken by Via.

And that's about it. Thank you so much for the wonderful treat, Via! Even Tom Thum approves of it

Via and Tom Thum

Here are a few more photos to look at, just in case you're still craving for more. Again, all credit goes to Via!

DJ BadKiss

See you on our next adventure! Let's do this.


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